
1.已实现 ¶


2.未实现 ¶


3.特点及适用场景 ¶


4.具体代码 ¶

package LRUCacheOut

import (

// Hashable 是一个接口,要求实现它的类型有一个 HashCode 方法。
type Hashable interface {
	HashCode() int

type Node struct {
	key   int
	value int
	next  *Node
	prev  *Node

// String 是一个示例类型,用来表示包含字符串值和缓存的哈希码的结构体。
type String struct {
	value []rune // 字符数组
	hash  int    // 缓存的哈希码,初始值为0,表示还没有计算

// HashCode 实现了 Hashable 接口,计算并返回字符串的哈希码。
// 如果哈希码已经计算过(即不为0),直接返回缓存的值。
func (s *String) HashCode() int {
	if s.hash == 0 && len(s.value) > 0 {
		for _, c := range s.value {
			s.hash = 31*s.hash + int(c)
	return s.hash

// Hash 函数根据提供的键(必须实现了 Hashable 接口)和散列表的容量,
// 计算并返回散列表的索引。
func Hash(key Hashable, capacity int) int {
	h := key.HashCode()
	if capacity <= 0 {
		panic("capacity must be greater than 0")
	// (h ^ (h >>> 16)) & (capacity -1) 的Go语言实现
	//99302346 & 15
	//101111010110011101111001010 & 000000000000000000000001111
	//10111101011 ^ 10111101011
	return (h ^ (h >> 16)) & (capacity - 1)

func add(head, newNode *Node) {
	current := head

	for {
		if current.next == nil {
			// 记录当前指针
		} else {
			current = current.next
	current.next = newNode
	current.next.prev = current


func query(head **Node, key int) int {
	if *head == nil {
		fmt.Println("List is empty")
		return -1

	var tmp *Node
	current := *head

	for current != nil {

		if current.prev == nil {
			tmp = current.next

			if tmp.key == key {
				return tmp.value

		if current.key == key {
			// if the current node is not head node ,move to head
			// 4 -> 5
			current.prev.next = current.next
			// 5 <- 4
			if current.next != nil {
				current.next.prev = current.prev

			// current node move to the head
			current.next = tmp
			current.prev = *head

			tmp.prev = current

			(*head).next = current
			(*head).prev = nil
			return current.value
		current = current.next
	return current.value

func delete(head *Node, key int) {
	for current := head; current != nil; current = current.next {
		if current.key == key {
			current.prev.next = current.next
			current.next.prev = current.prev


func queryHashTable(types []rune, key int, head *Node) (int, bool) {
	str := &String{
		value: types,
	capacity := 16 // 假设散列表的大小为16
	index := Hash(str, capacity)
	hashTable := make([]*Node, 16)
	hashTable[index] = head
	result := query(&head, key)
	fmt.Printf("查找类型: %c\n对应散列槽位: %d\n散列表存放的头指针地址: %p\n原始的头指针地址 %p\n对应值: %d\n",
		types, index, hashTable[index], head, result)
	return result, true

func Traverse(head *Node) {
	current := head
	for current != nil {
		fmt.Println(current.key, current.value, "上一个内存地址", current.prev, "下一个内存地址", current.next)
		current = current.next

5.单元测试 ¶

package LRUCacheOut

import (

// 测试 add 函数能否正确地向链表中添加节点
func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
	head := &Node{} // 创建一个空的头节点作为dummy head

	// 向链表中添加一个节点
	add(head, &Node{key: 1, value: 100})

	// 验证是否正确添加了节点
	if head.next == nil {
		t.Errorf("No node was added.")
	} else if head.next.value != 100 {
		t.Errorf("Node with value 100 was not added correctly. Got value %d", head.next.value)

// 测试 queryHashTable 函数能否正确地查询并返回预期的结果
func TestQueryHashTable(t *testing.T) {
	head := &Node{key: 0} // 初始化头节点

	// 构建链表
	add(head, &Node{key: 1, value: 175})
	add(head, &Node{key: 2, value: 180})
	add(head, &Node{key: 3, value: 170})

	qType := []rune("friend")
	// 假设queryHashTable现在返回一个值和一个布尔标志
	value, found := queryHashTable(qType, 2, head)

	if !found {
		t.Errorf("Expected to find the key %d, but it was not found.", 1)

	if value != 180 {
		t.Errorf("Expected value %d for key %d, got %d", 180, 2, value)